And those who believed, and their progenies who followed them with belief, We will add with them their progenies, and We won’t deprive to them from any of their deeds, every individual is pledge for what he has earned.
The Impartial Lord has taught each individual’s soul Adhikr which distinguishes the single way to the Paradise and different ways to the Hell from the Paradise. Since the believers and their progenies are living here under the Light of Adhikr, the Book they heard, touched and read will argue and witness in favour of them. After receiving Adhikr, whoever follows the lifeway of nine hundred and ninety nine out of every thousand, the verses they heard, touched and read will argue and witness against them and will push them to the Hell as explained in verse 9: 82. ‘Every individual is pledge for what he has earned’ means Paradise or hell for the Hereafter is earned by each individual from this worldly life. See explanation 2: 134, 286; 13: 23-24; and 18: 107-108.